Kingdom Hearts

Kingdom Hearts

the story that has true love until the end

the story that has true love until  the end

William Shakespeare-Romeo X Juliet

what is that brings these things to final end?
tis ultimately love that wins the day
For love indeed doth old wounds warmly tend
and so different without
we close our play..

Thursday, December 31, 2009

GoodBye 2009!!i will miss it!

aha!today is the last day of 2009.Haiz...times moves so fast.All the wonderful and worst things that happened this year will never be forgotten.Tomorrow will be a new day of the year and i'm looking forward to wat will happen.My wish that it will be a good year for me and everybody.I hope that Gareth will come back or I go to Canada.well,i'm trying as hard as i can to get more and more money.oooh,i'm hoping to get a job next year since i'm already 15!gotta try my luck!eh!i juz heared my auntie telling me today KL is gonna have something ON to celebrate a new year!!Gonna have fireworks too and many other stuff!!i wanna go see!!it would be nice!i've been wondering why Gareth didnt come online recently.i mean he does but not during the time i always chat with him.I guess he's busy at that time.I wish he comes online today...>.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

great memories

Halloo!!so late adi!not really.its gonna be 11pm in another few more minutes!i'm waiting for gareth to come online!!i din talk to him for 6 days already!!!sobbb...why he not coming online.........??????.aiya!!i wonder how he's doing!i hope he's fine.i miss him so much....he din come online..sobb.its time to go back soon!!another few more daysssss!!omgg...i'm going form 3 next year...D:!the best thing is i'm going nemesu!!yeah!!thank u,jesus!thank u so much!!YAY!!!XD!!I'm also going genting soon!!on the 11th(i think)or the 12th or the 13th(january)!i'm not sure wat date!!And mummy and daddy's anniversary is coming also!!its on the 1st january!!A new year is coming!!xDDD!!mummy say its gonna be a good year for people who born on the year of pig!well,i hope got a lot of good luck!and i hope to get enough of money so i can go canada and see gareth!!i really hope i get enough of money so i can see him!!:)!i'm always thinking abt him.i love him so much!whenever i think abt him,i feel sad but at the same time happy because he gave a great experience abt i knw the feeling of true love.theres nothing else to say but i love him so much and forever will.Knowing him was one of the best thing that happened in my life.i still remembered how we!it was kinda funny but sweet at the same time.A life without him is really sad and a future without him is meaningless.One thing i also hope is that i can be with Gareth forever.i'm wishing for that to come true.He's one of the person i always cherish in my life and always think of.>
hallo!!!I'M SO HAPPY!!!!!wanna know why!!!???cuz i'm going nemesu!!!YES!!!!thank you,god!!!thank u so much!!i promise i'm gonna work harder!!!thank u so much!!!i'm so so so so so happpppyyyyy that i'm going nemesu,the class i want to go!!!yeahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!XD!!!!!!!!=D!!!!!i'm so excited!!so happy..=) i will study harder to score good marksss!!i will!!

Monday, December 28, 2009

these last few days of 2009

hallllloooo!!christmas is over wasnt much fun but it was okay.uncle don and auntie sharon got me big book of teaches u how to make different kind of i finally knw how to make a paper crane!:D!its time to go back to school soon.few more days.time to go form 3!!i'm cannot scared and happy at the same time..:\...!gonna be 15 years old!big girl!oh,mummy bought me a hoodie shirt for me!!its nice!!and today i went and bought a red paul frank hoodie!!!!!FINALLY!!i got one!!!its so EXPENSIVE!!!!!RM250!!!!:O!!but thanks to mummy,i got one!!i love u,mummy!!thank u vry much!!i'm going genting on january!i cant wait!!gonna sit on a few scary rides if i dare!!!tomorrow i'm going to school to see wat class i'm going next year!!!please let me go nemesu!!!please!!!i really wanna go nemesu!!please,god!!please!!please!!i really wanna go nemesu so much!!PLEASE!!!!!!PLEASE!!i really hope!!!i'll study even harder next year!!please,god!!please!!!let me go nemesu!!well,i really hope!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009


hallo there,blog!!long time no write adi!!!holidays are okay.not bad!!fun and a bit boring!!so,i got a new hp!!!my dad bought it for me cuz my OLD hp is gone...water went in,now i have a new one and its LG KF300!!!i love it!!!its flip open!!i finally got a flip open HP!!!YEAH!oh,i watched new moon adi and IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!i feel like watching it again!!!!!i cant seem to get bored of twilight eventhough i've watched almost 100 times!!!the movie is juz great!!but i dunno why many people dun like it!!its really GOOD!!!new moon was nicer!!i feel like wanna buy the DVD and watch it again!!!lol...i'm a bit addicted to twilight saga adi...haha.OH!christmas is coming!!!!another 2 more weeks!!i cant wait!!!this year i am hoping everybody gives me money($$$$$$$) as presents!!i really need to go canada!!!MUST GO!!!i went to curve to see the decorations there!it was nice but i prefer last year's decoration!aiya...kinda sad also eventhough christmas is coming...its because gareth's not here...i cant see him and cant get to celebrate with him...sigh...i miss him....='(...well,i guess i gotta get more money!!save up more so can go canada SOON!!GOTTA WORK HARD!!

Friday, November 13, 2009


OK!YES!school is finally over for the year!it ended yesterday!sob...i'm gonna miss my classmates...2 penaga was the best class!we all had so much fun and always laugh everyday!i'm gonna miss all the teachers who taught our class especially pn margaret!i'm gonna miss this year a lot!!sigh...exams are over also!it actually ended kinda long time ago!!i hope i go to nemesu next year!!!i wonder wat i'm gonna do during this 2 months holidays??i have no idea!!such a long holiday but dunno wat to do!!hrm...i wonder how gareth is doing?i hope he's fine and healthy!haya!!to begin with,i dunn0 wat to do!!!!!!need more money!!!anyways,i hope i can get a new phone.sigh...need more money to go canada!!need to find a way!i hope i can go canada soon!i wanna see gareth!sigh...i miss gareth...really miss him a lot....i hope i can see him very soon!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Syaoran and Sakura
Tsubasa chronicle

cherry blossom aka sakura...

i love this flowers...their my favourite.i want to see but in malaysia theres no cherry blossom tree.aww...but this picture is nice..

i really like this korean drama!!!
The Man In The Vineyard

Sunday, September 20, 2009


sob..sob!!so sad la today!!!!!!SOB!!!!!!i finished watching cardcaptor sakura movie 2 and it was so sad and touching!!sob.....i cried!!!!!then later after that,something was buggin me...!then,i felt kinda sad.sob..!!!today is sunday and tomorrow is monday...means that i cant chat with gareth long on monday cuz he have to go school.only weekends can chat long but it depends whether gareth free or not.....i juz finished chatting with him juz now...well,it wasnt long..cuz he have to go out....aww.........sob.....i really hope i can save up a lot of money so that i can see him...i must!if i ever get a chance to see gareth,the first thing i will do is hug him to let him know that i've missed him eversince he left...and then i will tell him that i love him and always will.he's one of the most important person to me in the whole wide world..i am so happy that i met him!he gave me so many happy many sad memories and funny ones too.meeting him was the best thing that ever happened to me.i really hope that i can be forever with him!

during the holidays!

hey there!its raya holidays now!!we have 1 week free of school!yay!!but very boring la at go anywhere...sob...well,i only use com or play ps2.anyways,theres a big problem now!!!if its holidays,i wont be able to save up money cuz no money to give!!!ahhh!!!!!NOO!!!!i have to get money if i wanna see gareth!!!sob...sob!!!i need money!!!sigh....if money was that easy to get....sob..!oh,even for a puppy,brandy bites really hand is full of bite marks!!ok!back to the topic...NOOOO!!!!i have no money to save!!!argh!!this is s big problem now!!how am i gonna get money!!PLEASE HELP ME GET MORE MONEY!!!I WANT TO GO CANADA!!!PLEEEAASSEE!!!i really want to....well,i juz have to find a way to get money!!!!

Sunday, September 13, 2009


hi there,my blog!!wootS!!i'm very tired today!!!its because i use the com the whole day!!!WAAHH!!!very tired!the com drained all my energy...!anyways...aww....sob..sob....gareth din come online...he normally come at 7.45pm and now is already 8.42pm and he still not here...sob...sob...maybe he is busy..,i guess...sob!!!well,i guess i better go...i used kinda long adi...well,bye...

Monday, September 7, 2009


hey there.....sigh......i dont know why but i feel very sad and angry.....yesterday nite i was very angry but today i feel awfully sad........i have no mood to do anything...sigh...why....?...i think i might know the reason which made me sad....its so hard........roar.........few days at home,i've been feeling very sad and feeling very can i put it...?sigh....i feel a lot of different feelings in 1 time.thats the bad thing....

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

hah!juz today!

hey there!!lol!today was my sis bday!!and the puppy finally came!!!OMG!!!its so cute!!!!it kinda look shy and sad...aww.....but its SO CUTE!!!!and we went out for dinner and the food was nice..not bad....!lol!my sis had a barbie doll cake and was so nice!i think it was very expensive by the look of it!haha!as i was saying...,the puppy is so cute laaa!!now we finally have a puppy!!!i always wanted one!!!hehe!!well,gtg now!need to sleep!!BYE!!X)!

my sis!

YIPEE!!today is a great day!its my sis bday!!!i juz wanna wish my sis,florentina....

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

school today!

allo!!today is the first day of going back school after having holiday for 1 week!!hmmm.....nothing really much happen!juz an ordinary day!well,tomorrow is my sis bday and i also have to pass up my geo project which i'm not completely done yet...T_T.....haha....well,as i was saying,its my sis bday 2moro and GUESS WAT!!?my dad bought her a puppy because she wanted it!lol!i'm happy cuz we finally get a puppy and its only 2 months old!!!yay!!i cant wait!the pup is coming 2moro!!i cant wait to see it!!!!awww!!i'm so excited!!

Pyzam Glitter Text Maker
Glitter Graphics Maker & MySpace Layouts

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


allo!waah!so long already din come this blog!!lol...!i suppose to be sleeping rite now...its already 11.30pm....!!!well,i'm sleeeeeepy....!haha!sigh...i feeling like tellin gareth now that he's the best and i really love him!!! i need to

Friday, July 31, 2009

DUNNO WHY BUT I'M FEELING HAPPY TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hahahaha!!!!!

Thursday, July 30, 2009


sigh....wat am i gonna do?i'm not sure what i should do....i cant really take it anymore....i've been holding my feelings for 5 months now....i know i'm selfish to ask u to come back but....please gareth, come back......i juz cant hold on any more...i've never got a chance to see u or go out with you when u were still here....please juz come back....i know i'm asking for something impossible....but all i ever want is to see u.....sigh.....i wish that it was easy for me so i'm able to see u all the time...i really miss u a u know that..?i know i am able to chat with u online but it would me much greater to see u...well,at least i'm still in touch with u...thats a good thing....i guess....if u ever come back and i ever get to see u...that will be a great chance...i juz hope that it will come true....

Monday, July 20, 2009

.....just thinking.....

i'm back again!!roar......kinda boring and nothing to say....hmmm.....oh,i already said sorry to gareth and he forgave me already!!!!!!!yeah!!!!i'm super happy!!!i'm very glad!!!he's great....=)...!!hmm.....i was just thinking....when we love someone,we shouldnt love them by appearance....we should always love them because of who they other words is their characteristic....its wrong to love someone just because of their prettyness or good looking-ness.thats wat i think.the reason why i love gareth is because of who he's funny and nice and he's not like other ppl that i know...he's different....and for that..,he's a very special person to me...its just sad that i never got a chance to see him before he left to canada...sigh....thats why i'm trying my very best to save money to see him....well,i'm just saying that we should love someone not cause of their appearance but who they are....=D.........

Thursday, July 16, 2009

to gareth...i'm sorry..

sigh.......yesterday i was mad at someone.....not just someone...someone who was very important to me....i just lost my anger and scolded him....i really hate myself sometimes..!i felt really sad yesterday and i cried a lot....i scolded the person i love and now i feel horrible...wat kind of person am i..?i told him to never talk to me again....i din mean it....its just because i had a rough day at school and just lost my anger at him...i just really want to say sorry to him...i'm sorry....gareth....

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

today in school......

hey.....sumtin bad happen to me in school started out as a fun day but ended as a bad day.....sigh.........i dun really want to talk about it..cuz its an embarrasing thing for wasnt nice at was really bad...and i was moody all the way home and still am..sigh.......such a bad day....='(


hello everybody!!!i'm felicia and i just recently joined blogspot which is a blog where i can express all my feelings and tell ya bout me and all my daily happenings!!well,not all cuz some are personal!!haha!well,firstly...i go to SMKDJ and i'm form 2!always like using the com and worrying one day i might get to addicted!!lol!well,already am.i'm also an anime fan!!LOVE ANIMES!!!watch a lot of anime!!and also have mangas!!a lot!!but sadly.....i have to sell them away...sob.......sob.......okay!!!i also like to play badminton!!very fun!!^_^!hehe!well,life in school,all i can say is sometimes its fun and sometimes i have my hard and bad class..,we laugh too much cuz of the "NUT"of the class!he even makes teacher laugh and very sick minded!!lol.i call him BABBOON!!and worst is tat this fella doesnt even know wat "babboon" means....===!haha!well,in my class theres always laughter!we laugh all the way!!i also have friends in other classes and other school.but sadly...rite now...a really important friend of mine moved to canada.....sob..its a really sad news to me....but gladly,i'm still in touch with him...THROUGH COM!!!wakakaka!!sigh...i miss him a lot!well,....i still have more things to say but RITE NOW I HAVE TO GET READY FOR SCHOOLLLLLLL!!!!I"M LATEEEEEEEEE!!!!bye!!!XD!