Kingdom Hearts

Kingdom Hearts

the story that has true love until the end

the story that has true love until  the end

William Shakespeare-Romeo X Juliet

what is that brings these things to final end?
tis ultimately love that wins the day
For love indeed doth old wounds warmly tend
and so different without
we close our play..

Thursday, July 22, 2010

what a life

i always think and is great,isnt it?i mean u can feel things,learn things...theres so many things we can do with life.We can feel feelings which are so great such as happiness,excited,hyper,gladness and best of all,love.theres much more.but we cant also forget that theres painful feelings that hurt us.well,thats part of life.we learn from our mistakes.its amazing how people are created to enjoy life.but sadly,few of them use them the wrong way.other that that,u can see the happiness any of the people have in this world.their joyful laugh,their their happy faces when something good comes along.what i enjoy most is that people's faces when they have love for one another.with their family,friends or even lovers.when i see them just having a good time with their loverS,i would like feel that too.its great!their faces when they are together.then again,now,i cant say anything nor do anything abt for mine,i guess i have to wait.thats the only thing to do.wait in patience.pray,believe and imagine that i is sure one interesting many things that can be done.we are fortunate a word call "life and humans" exist.i am very fortunate yet glad and so happy because i am a human being and is able to experience yet i have a love now.isnt that great,huh?:).i am one lucky girl alright!i dont know what to say or how to show my appreciation to god for letting me have the person i love now.truly marvelous how god does his work and gives me,he gave me miracleS and luckS before.;)!now in return,i will help those in need in life.the more help people get,the more better the world becomes.i cant control my anger towards some people but i will try.i dont hate people until i hold grudges.i just may dislike them and someday,i will come to be friends with them.thats life for ya.u be enemies and the next u know,u are friends with them.well,for now.this is all i can say.i have to go out now.:)!i will be back!

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